I begin where I want, I end where I want.

This blog is not meant to be chronological in any way. Things are mixed up in life, why not continue with the theme and mix things up here too?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I guess this is where I try.

So I'm starting this as a way to be honest with myself. I don't expect followers, I don't expect my friends to ever look at this really. I just need to figure myself out again.

So this is where I try to do that. This is where I think it began.

I've always had trouble expressing my true thoughts and ideas to them and now people just see me as a less than intelligent being.
I deserve it though, I did this to myself sometime during middle school. 
I was always the greasy little fat girl with no friends and close to no socialization skills. 
I somehow mustered the courage to join my local youth cheer squad. 
There I quickly learned what I thought was a valuable lesson. 
No one likes you if you're smart. 
I began dumbing myself down. Consequently I found myself with more friends. 
But at what cost? 
I secretly clung academia. Books of wars passed and great human accomplishments lined the inside of my closet, a dark place that only I knew of. 
I still managed to keep my grades up but at some point teachers began publishing grades, and honor rolls were written and hung. 

(Now I need to break from this story to say that it may not sound like much now, but it truly has shaped who I am today. I bet if you look back to your days as an impressionable young pre-teen you'll understand just where I am coming from.
We all have defining moments, whether they are good or bad. Whether we are young or old.)

I had been figured out, and was once again friendless.
Now some people may say " you probably weren't the only person on the honor roll, why not make friends with the others?". 
To them I say: I wish I could have, but for some reason they rejected me too.
I wish I knew why. 
I was dead set on not being a loner and actually worked hard to not be on that honor roll. 
It shouldn't make sense because it doesn't.
I had tons of people to make fun of me, but I had a few friends, and unfortunately during that time that was all that mattered.
You see, somewhere along the way, playing dumb turned into a full time job for me. 
While I still cling to the love of knowledge and reasoning and simply picking at my own brain, I have lost the skill to verbally debate, explain, and present all these ideas and thoughts flooding my mind. 
I never gave up writing though.( I will admit that somewhere along the way I forgot how much I enjoyed grammar. Because of that I totally suck at using it properly.)
So now writing is all I have, and I guess it's all I need.

But I guess that's just how I see it. I could be totally wrong. 

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