I begin where I want, I end where I want.

This blog is not meant to be chronological in any way. Things are mixed up in life, why not continue with the theme and mix things up here too?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Unfinished thought.

After turning inward toward myself, I emerged feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world.

I was very wrong.

Now I'm just self centered and a bitch. I can't understand why.

How did this happen? better yet, why did this happen?

I was never like this. I've never been so selfish in my life.

I ljust want what I want and I end up getting what I want.

People cater to me and it needs to stop immediately.

I don't want to sound like I'm blaming this on other people. It's no ones fault but my own. I made me this way, and I have to reflect and fix whatever I have done wrong.

I just want to collapse into my own mind again. Those were better days. Other peoples thoughts and word's didn't impact me so negatively. I took everything in stride and noticed the absolute beauty in everybody. I was able to put myself in someone else's position and see through their eyes. I did whatever I could for others with no expectations of any sort of reciprocation.

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